We are so excited that Ryan is coming home tomorrow! The boys are even excited to see "the black car because we haven't seen it in a really long time, mom!"
We are even planning a little welcome home/we are proud of you/congratulations party! I can't wait to have him home!
I have been thinking about babies lately. Partially because I am visiting a friend tomorrow who just recently gave birth to a little boy but also because so many friends of mine have recently had babies or are expecting. No more babies around the Kimball household, though. I think two boys 14 months apart is more than this mama can handle already. I love babies and holding them makes me miss when my boys were that little. Babies are so innocent. We strive to do the best we can to raise them hoping that we raise nice kids who use their manners. More importantly I want my boys to love the Lord and I don't want them to feel embarrassed about their faith. I want them to feel comfortable being examples to their friends, taking a stand against some of the pressures kids have these days. I wonder, however, how can I expect that they are going to 'witness' to others or serve those less fortunate when it is something I find difficult to do....not difficult in that I don't want to do it, I have a heart of a servant, but it is the idea of stepping out of my comfort zone...willing to do something God wants me to do not for me but for Him. I need to learn something from what I am teaching my own children. I need to have the passion that they have...Plain and simple!
that I will no longer be a single mom in one week!
that we survived a 'new' normal for 4 months! Thankful we can get back to the old normal really soon!
that the boys adjusted very well considering they are DADDY'S BOYS!
that we have the support of a loving family! Thank You!
that I have GREAT friends who have allowed me to break down (at Panera Bread, baking or 'not baking' cookies, or after drinking some much needed wine. ;)) because I am not SUPER woman (even though I feel like it sometimes :))!!!
that regardless of what happens in life, I have a loving God who cares and provides and reminds me often of his unfailing love!!
that I can bask in the now and worry about later...well later!
Can you tell I am excited that Ryan will be home very, very soon?
My mom watches the boys on Fridays and last week after dropping Andrew off at school her and Michael went to the store and Michael wanted to get me some flowers. One week later and this is what they look like. What a sweet little boy!
I am so thankful that my boys love each other so much! They introduce each other as, "This is my best brother." They play (usually) well together and do not know life without each other. I never thought I would love having two boys (14 months apart) as much as I do. Since sickness has arrived at our house, the boys have had to stay away from each other as much as possible and that has been difficult for them. Today, since they were back to school/daycare, the conversation was so cute that I had with them....It goes something like this:
Michael: "Mom, can I touch Andrew?"
Me: "Yes, honey, he is all better."
Michael: "Yay, I can touch you Andrew!"
As the boys hug each other, Andrew says, "We can hug each other Michael!" "Yay!"
Then they proceeded to ask if they could touch each others toys, go in each others rooms, etc. and they have been excitedly playing with each other since we have gotten home.
We have been very fortunate to have dodged the sicknesses....until now! Michael came down with a fever, sore throat, and a rash. The verdict: Scarlet Fever which is none other than strep throat with a rash. Oh the joys of motherhood! He started antibiotics, I stayed home from work Monday and thought we were on the upswing, when all of the sudden Andrew started throwing up! Really? I guess I have a lot of time to disinfect the house! Oh and our house phone wasn't working....I guess I never thought about the phone never ringing yesterday, maybe because I am not normally home.....It is up and working again now, though, after a call to the phone company. I sure hope Michael or I don't come down with the stomach bug because that would just be a big bummer! We have been cooped up in the house with the germs since Friday....time to open the windows and let in some of the freezing cold winter air.
I am constantly reminded of the innocence of children, their excitement for life, and their strong faith. Not sure why but death has been a big conversation in our house lately. Lots of questions: Is everyone going to die?, Will you be in heaven?, etc. On my drive back from Lansing today (I had to drop off Ryan in Lansing so he could catch his ride back to Georgia for his last leg (4 weeks) of training), I was thinking about the conversation I had with Michael recently. Michael: "Mom, I'm going to die some day?" Me: "Yes, honey, we all will die some day but then we get to be with Jesus." With excitement Michael replies, "We do." Me: " Yeah, won't it be nice to see Jesus?" Michael: "I can't wait to see Jesus! I am going to give him a big hug!" Then with a little less excitement, "But mom there won't be any toys in heaven." Me: "Oh yes there will. Heaven will have the best toys." Michael: "I can't wait to go to Jesus' house!" Then he begins to sing, "A big, big house, with lots and lots of rooms"
How precious it is to have conversations like that with my kids and even more of a lesson for me to be less stressed out, less wrapped up in the craziness of life, and more able to see life as a gift to be enjoyed and cherished. To have the excitement and faith like a child.
I have so many more stories, in fact, one that I had with both of the boys today on our way home but those will have to wait until another time. For now I leave you with this video, my boy's favorite!
I love the Lord first and foremost and feel blessed for all he has given me! I am a wife, a mom, and a teacher, and I love my life. I get to do two of my favorite things: spend lots of time with my family and teach! I have the best of both worlds!